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    8月20日郭文✊ 8 月 20 日:中国军人,你们渴望这样的自由吗? 他们忠于宪法以保卫人民为天职,可以拒绝上级违法邪恶的命令,不用叠豆腐块被子,不用逼着踢仪式化正步,不用对上级像狗一样的恭维。 他们是那样的自由快乐,忠于使命,忠于宪法,忠于人民... (接下)
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    【世事關心】班農:如果香港發生「天安門事件」 中共將滅亡 via Interview with Steve Banon
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    丹麦政府每年补贴格林兰7亿美元, 如果公投加入美国,美国应该给丹麦一定的补偿。 格林兰首府是努克。 努克到哥本哈根:3500公里 努克到华盛顿:3200公里 差不多。
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    Past presidents should have addressed China's malign trade behavior. President is getting the job done.
    14.4万 次观看
  6. 川普总统的意思好像是不买了,直接岛上公民表决!有意思!节省了大量资金!
  7. 真的要买格陵兰岛啊!😄😄
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    ....The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!
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    Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time....
  10. 原来北京金隅是王岐山的公司!
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    Aug 20, The latest edition compares China-US GDP and economic data to see how the Communist Party has stolen the wealth of the Chinese and American peoples.
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    Just now: President talks Federal Reserve interest rates.
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    🇺🇸總統川普8月20日說: 中國已經盤剝美國25年了!而毋須更長久,現在已是時候短期內決定於我們國家是好還是壞。長遠來講勢在必行,一定有人去完成! 你看看中國,中國是他們27年來最糟糕的一年。他們想與我們達成協議,但我可以告訴你我還沒有準備好達成協議。除非他們要 去做出正確的交易!
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    President : "We have to solve the problem with China."
  15. 居然说是无效过时文件!

